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Many in the Miami Beach community agree that the North Shore Branch Library, currently located at 7501 Collins Avenue, is a cozy facility. The library currently hosts a series of photography classes, storybook children reading sessions, computer classes and cooking classes for adults. Their Business Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. On Wednesday their open from Noon – 8 pm and the facility is closed Friday & Sunday

Recent News About the Library

Many locals and city officials agree that the library has outgrown the space it is in. Rather than expanding the current building, the City is interested in adaptive reuse of the space to serve proposed uses and activities in the adjoining Altos Del Mar Park. The optimal place to relocate the North Shore Library is somewhere in the town’s center, where it will contribute to the vitality and mix of uses that will draw people there for multiple purposes. There are several possible strategies for moving the library. One is for a private sector developer to provide library space in a mixed-use development in consideration of appropriate public incentives. Another is to build a new library on City-owned property, possibly as part of a parking structure.